
Church Records

Record TypeLocation(s)ScopeStart DateEnd DateNotesLink(s)
Church RegistersSouth Russia (Ukraine) / ManitobaBergthaler, Chortitizer, Kleine Gemeinde, Reinlaender18431900s
Church RegistersMennonite BrethrenAvailable at the Centre for Mennonite Brethren Studies

Government Records

Record TypeLocation(s)ScopeStart DateEnd DateNotesLink(s)
Canadian Census RecordsCanadaCanada18711931Library and Archives Canada
Homestead FilesManitobaBergthaler, Chortitizer, Kleine Gemeinde, Reinlaender18741880Available at the Mennonite Heritage Archives and the Winkler Heritage Archives
Land Grants of Western CanadaManitoba18701930Library and Archives Canada
Land Titles Registry RecordsManitoba1870OngoingTeranet Manitoba
Passenger ListsSouth Russia (Ukraine) / Hamburg, GER / CanadaBergthaler, Chortitizer, Kleine Gemeinde,
Passenger ListsHamburg, GERBergthaler, Chortitizer, Kleine Gemeinde,
Passenger ListsHalifax, Quebec, St. JohnBergthaler, Chortitizer, Kleine Gemeinde,
School RegistersManitobaAvailable at the Archives of Manitoba
Tax Records
Township Plan Maps (Plat Maps)ManitobaArchives of Manitoba
Vital Statistics Registry RecordsManitobaBirths / Deaths / Marriages1870OngoingVital Statistics Branch
West Reserve CensusWest Reserve, ManitobaBergthaler, Chortitizer, Reinlaender18801880
World War One
World War Two Conscientious Objector

Mennonite Records

Record TypeLocation(s)ScopeStart DateEnd DateNotesLink(s)
Church RegistersSouth Russia (Ukraine) / ManitobaBergthaler, Chortitizer, Kleine Gemeinde, Reinlaender18431900s
Church RegistersMennonite BrethrenAvailable at the Centre for Mennonite Brethren Studies
Fire Insurance (Brandordnung) Records
Homestead FilesManitobaBergthaler, Chortitizer, Kleine Gemeinde, Reinlaender18741880Available at the Mennonite Heritage Archives and the Winkler Heritage Archives
Loan (Brotschuld) RecordsManitobaBergthaler18781892Available at the Mennonite Heritage Archives
Orphan's Fund (Waisenamt) Records
Shantz ListOntario18741880Listed in Brothers in Deed to Brothers in Need by Clarence Hiebert (1974)
Tax Records
West Reserve CensusWest Reserve, ManitobaBergthaler, Chortitizer, Reinlaender18801880

Other Records

Record TypeLocation(s)ScopeStart DateEnd DateNotesLink(s)
Family HistoriesCanadaCentre for Mennonite Brethren Studies

Mennonite Heritage Archives
Newspaper IndexNorth AmericaManitoba1864OngoingMMHS
Pioneer Portraits of the PastManitobaBergthaler, Chortitizer, Kleine Gemeinde,


GRanDMA Online

The Genealogical Registry and Database of Mennonite Ancestry (GRanDMA) is an extensive genealogical resource focused on the ancestry of Mennonite and Hutterite communities. Available through a paid subscription, GRanDMA offers users access to a vast collection of records and data that traces the lineage of these communities, particularly those originating from Prussia (now modern-day Poland) and South Russia (now Ukraine).

Guide: Kanadier Mennonite Genealogical Sources: 1874 to 1921

This guide, developed by historian Glenn Penner, is intended for researchers who want to go beyond simply collecting names and dates and would like to obtain detailed information on their ancestors, including images of relevant records. Many of these resources are also listed on this page.

Mennonite Archival Information Database

The Mennonite Archival Information Database (MAID) is a discovery platform for searching Mennonite archives across multiple institutions. With contributions from fifteen archival partners, MAID offers a centralized collection of records and images, enhancing the ability to conduct comprehensive research on Mennonite history. This database is an vital tool if you’re searching for archival materials, photographs, and detailed descriptions from a wide array of Mennonite archives.

Archival Terms and Definitions

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