About MMHS

Our History

Established in 1958

Since 1958, the Manitoba Mennonite Historical Society (MMHS) has pursued its objective of fostering an awareness of Mennonite history and culture in many ways.

The seed for these activities was planted in the two decades preceding 1958. During World War Two, several groups such as the Mennonite Agricultural Advisory Committee of the West Reserve and individual scholars such as P.J. Schaefer became involved in the preparation of books to promote self understanding among Manitoba Mennonites.

After 1958, the MMHS initiated other projects. Under the leadership of historically interested people including Gerhard Lohrenz, P.J.B. Reimer, Gerhard Ens, and John C. Reimer, books were published, the Mennonite Village Museum was established, monuments were erected and centennial celebrations for 1967, 1970, and 1974 were planned.

In 1979, the MMHS separated into a Museum Society and a history and cultural organization. The latter maintained the name, MMHS. This new organization concentrated its efforts on book publication, educational activities, and creating cultural awareness.

Our Focus

Organizing commemorative events in the community, such as train tours celebrating the 100th anniversary of the Russlaender Mennonites' arrival in Canada, along with bus tours and a documentary marking the 150th anniversary of the Kanadier Mennonites' arrival in Manitoba

Preserving and sharing vital stories from our history through educational materials, including The Historical Atlas of the East ReserveProsperity Ever, Depression Never – Steinbach in the 1930s, and Where the Cottonwoods Grow.

Designing monuments and tributes that commemorate the experiences of our ancestors, including those at Fort Dufferin and Schanzenfeld.


Our Mission

We seek to foster an understanding of and respect for the history and beliefs of the Mennonite people in the past and present, and to challenge them to give new expression to this heritage in the future.

Support Our Efforts

Help celebrate and preserve the Mennonite story, ensuring our history is passed on to the next generation.

Annual Meeting

Our next annual meeting is scheduled for Saturday, May 3, 2025, at the Mennonite Heritage Village in Steinbach.

Board of Directors

Our society is made up of seven board members from across Manitoba.


Our society is made up of committees with members from across Manitoba.

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